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Saturday, 27 July 2024
Coronavirus: Egypt to suspend Ramadan group iftars, activities, says Ministry
The ministry also noted it had previously decided to prohibit the establishment of iftar tables, a tradition Muslims take part in to provide food for the poor during the holy month, in the vicinity of mosques or their surrounding space. (Reuters)

Egypt will suspend all Ramadan activities and group iftars due to the spread of the deadly coronavirus, the Ministry of Endowments announced on Tuesday.

The ministry also noted it had previously decided to prohibit the establishment of iftar tables, a tradition Muslims take part in to provide food for the poor during the holy month in the vicinity of mosques or their surrounding space. Coronavirus: Egypt

The traditions of Ramadan, estimated to begin on April 23 this year, are centered on group gatherings: communal Taraweeh prayers, the evening meal of iftar in which Muslims break they're fast together, shared food and shisha in Ramadan tents and other religious and social events with family and friends.

Several Muslim countries including Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and others have suspended group prayers in mosques until further notice to slow the spread of the virus. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia last week asked Muslims around the world to be patient and delay their plans for the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages amid uncertainties surrounding the coronavirus pandemic, the Kingdom’s Minister of Hajj and Umrah said.

Egypt has so far recorded 1,322 coronavirus cases including 85 deaths as of Monday. levant

source: Joanne Serrieh levant