Former immigration minister criticises use of barracks to house a...
Tory MP Caroline Nokes says Home Office is trying to make UK seem ‘as inhospitab...
Tory MP Caroline Nokes says Home Office is trying to make UK seem ‘as inhospitab...
Lisa O'CarrollLocal council and MP add to calls for more funding for vital inspe...
Decision came after council withdrew 12 staff at Larne following reports of ‘men...
European commission chief defends record, saying EU’s slower approval process wa...
New research shows global death rates among patients in intensive care have fall...
Separate explosions, set off by sticky bombs attached to cars, killed at least t...
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A media organisation that broadcasts daily news on the Internet and newspaper publishing in London and distributed in European capitals in both Arabic and English. Periodic studies concerned with Arab and Western affairs. Levant Foundation for the transmission of the visual and read to the Arab and Western society.