Masrour Barzani: Federal Court Disregards Kurdistan People's Interests
Barzani's Criticisms of Federal Court Indicate Flaws in Dispute Resolution Mechanisms Between Center and Region
Kurdistan Regional Government President Masrour Barzani reviewed several pending issues with the Federal Government in Baghdad, indicating that "Baghdad's current approach towards Kurdistan Region is unjust, unfair, and unacceptable".
Barzani emphasized that "Baghdad deals with Kurdistan Region in a manner unbefitting a constitutional federal entity, an approach not even suitable for an Iraqi province", affirming that "we must correct the relationship between Erbil and Baghdad, we have a constitution and must adhere to it".
The regional government head clarified that "the Federal Court has only issued decisions favoring the Federal Government, and whenever it attempts to issue a decision benefiting Kurdistan's people, it gets obstructed", adding several unresolved files remain, including Article 140, territories detached from the region, Peshmerga issues, and Anfal victims' compensation.
Barzani noted "we cannot limit our problems to salaries alone, but unfortunately, Baghdad has managed to minimize our issues through successful policy", highlighting that Kurdistan has been making sacrifices for 100 years, whether for salaries, identity, land, homeland, equality, or freedom.
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