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Tuesday, 01 October 2024
  • Limited Israeli incursion into southern Lebanon targeting Hezbollah.. Washington confirms

  • Declaration of closed military zones and requests to evacuate residential areas reflect the seriousness of the situation and warn of the possibility of a large-scale military confrontation between Isr
Limited Israeli incursion into southern Lebanon targeting Hezbollah.. Washington confirms
الجيش الاسرائيلي

In the late hours of Monday night, the Israeli army began implementing a limited ground operation in southern Lebanon, targeting Hezbollah infrastructure. This operation was accompanied by intense aircraft flyovers and heavy shelling from armored vehicles and tanks on areas in southern Lebanon.

Media reports indicated the incursion of Israeli infantry units and tanks into some southern Lebanese villages. Israeli tanks breached the village of Rmeish in southern Lebanon, amid power outages in the area, according to sources from "Al Arabiya" and "Al Hadath".

Simultaneously with these developments, the Israeli army declared "imminent strikes on Hezbollah targets in the southern suburb". The Israeli army also called for the evacuation of residents from three areas in the southern suburbs of Beirut: Laylaki, Haret Hreik, and Burj Al Barajneh.

In this context, the Israeli army spokesman, Avichay Adraee, posted a tweet on the X platform stating: "You are near Hezbollah interests and facilities, therefore the IDF will act strongly against them," adding, "For your safety and the safety of your family members, you must evacuate the buildings immediately and move away from them for a distance of no less than 500 meters."

In a notable development, the United States announced on Monday evening that Israel "is currently carrying out" limited operations inside Lebanese territory. US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told reporters: "This is what I was informed, that they are currently carrying out limited operations targeting Hezbollah infrastructure near the border."

In a related context, Reuters reported, quoting a security source, that "the Lebanese army has withdrawn 5 kilometers from the border with Israel". It's worth noting that the last Israeli incursion into Lebanese territory was in 2006 during the Second Lebanon War with Hezbollah.

The Israeli army declared a "closed military zone" in parts of Israel's northern border with Lebanon on Monday, according to AFP. An army statement said: "The areas of Metula, Misgav Am, and Kfar Giladi in northern Israel have been declared a closed military zone. Entry to this area is prohibited."

Before the start of Israeli operations, a source in the Lebanese army reported that its forces were repositioning near the border in southern Lebanon, before the army partially withdrew from border areas in the south.

The Lebanese National News Agency reported information about "heavy artillery shelling targeting the town of Al-Wazzani", while Al-Manar channel, affiliated with Hezbollah, spoke of artillery shelling targeting the vicinity of the towns of Al-Wazzani, Sahel Al-Khiam, Alma Al-Shaab, and Naqoura on the border. Al-Wazzani and Sahel Al-Khiam are adjacent to the Metula area.

It's worth noting that areas in southern and eastern Lebanon, reaching to the southern suburb of Beirut, have been subjected to intense and unprecedented Israeli shelling since Monday, since the escalation between Hezbollah and Israel began about a year ago. This escalation has resulted in more than a thousand casualties in Lebanon according to authorities since mid-September last year.
