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Wednesday, 02 October 2024
Oh.. the simplicity of its complexity!! The Iranian missile strike
 الضربة الصاروخية الإيرانية  

What is this strike where the enemy informs its opponent, and what are these missiles that seem to not want to kill anyone?!

This world is advancing in everything; the citizen of the last century did not have to exhaust himself analyzing behaviors and operations like these in his attempt to understand them... Perhaps these are some traits of the wars of this century, where in this era of HD wars, crafting the scene becomes a military operation…

Even just hours before launching those missiles, the Revolutionary Guard was in one of its weakest positions, forced to do something...
Since the "downing of the Iranian presidential plane" to the assassination of Haniya on its territory and then the assassination of Hassan Nasrallah...
It was clear that Iran was suffering from violent disintegration of the flag of the resistance axis, which it raises and leads.
It was on the brink of losing its most important arm in the region, "Hezbollah," which its base publicly accused Iran of selling out and abandoning, following the massacre of assassinations that decimated all its leaders.

Without the war reaching its territory, Iran has been suffering enormous strategic losses since the onset of the Israeli existence war after the flood that - surprised - Iran, which has spent a lot, both financially and politically, on nurturing these tools and supporting the axis, viewing it as a strategic investment from which it has yet to gain profits; it neither imposed itself as a nuclear state nor felt reassured about solidifying its influence in the nations it controls today.

On the second of October after the year of the flood...
Iran, the wounded, sent to the world and Israel its cry through two hundred "ballistic and hypersonic" missiles of the perplexing type, quickly reaching Israel...
So let us contemplate that message, which the suspicious Arab citizen read with a mix of cheer and mockery, regarding a strike not prepared for destruction...

On that day’s afternoon, just before adorning the evening of the Middle East and Arab world with missile lanterns, the Iranian government informed the parties concerned in the region directly or via a mediator, starting with the Russian president who informed the Israelis and others...
So why does Iran inform about its strike?!
In the beginning, the notification clarifies to the ally that it will send large projectiles across the sky, so there’s no need to disturb the radars of friends and alarm their defense systems; thus it identified its projectiles according to the requirements and protocols governing the airspace...
The most important part of the prior notification is to define the nature of the strike as merely a limited operation that aims neither at surprise nor destruction, and that it is a communicative expression, with a beginning and an end that stops, waiting for a response from the opponent, Israel. The prior notification to the involved parties confirms that the operation is not a declaration of war. 
This bombardment takes its operational form as a real maneuver with live ammunition, through which Iran subjects the Israeli air defenses to a public and direct test...
A military message, not a war, which is precisely what Iranian diplomacy commits to in its repeated declaration to avoid total war, and of course because it chooses proxy wars through its arms and the blood of exploited and misled peoples with various kinds of its sectarian or organic drugs...

The strike was executed, and the scene that the Revolutionary Guard produced was successful, showing Iran’s ability to indeed reach Israeli territory with its missiles in a demonstrative scene that illuminated the miserable night of Palestinians and Arabs whose hearts suffer and bleed due to Israeli arrogance in the region. These missiles were embarrassing and impactful for Israel; they proved that Iran has the capability to inflict harm and that it is an adversary with claws and fangs.
From this publicly read segment of the message, Iran wants Israel to accept the strike as a response to its previous attacks against it, and it hopes that Israel will stop at this point as well; this is one of the linguistic meanings of the concept of defensive deterrence.
So did Iran's message carry within it what truly compels Israel to accept Iran's request.. Was there enough in it to scare Netanyahu?!

The encoded part of that message remains known only between the two warring parties, as they exchanged details of the strike concerning the types of missiles, their speed, their targets, their weight, or the types of their payloads... And their location in terms of the enemy’s military arsenal are secrets that will remain undisclosed, governing the future of events in fact, and not just the superficial display we see in this intriguing scene...
From my point of view, the war that Israel is waging is existential... there is no retreat or room for negotiation, and the Revolutionary Guard has now positioned itself among the threats that Israel must eliminate without a doubt.

Oss Nemr