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Sunday, 27 October 2024
Would the MB heading again for Britain
Muslim Brotherhood

Muslim Brotherhood TV channels in Ankara were ordered to stop airing criticisms against Egypt with penalties to be imposed on those who defy the order; Al- Arabiya TV reported on16th -March 2021. The step came following statements by Turkey aimed at easing tensions with Egypt after eight years of disputes between the two countries Britain

MENA reports said in its report on 21st- March 2021 The Turkish authorities instructed to limit the coverage of the three channels to social and cultural issues, and to stay away from political issues that constitute interference in Egypt’s internal affairs, officials added.

Yassin Aktay, advisor to the head of the ruling Justice and Development Party, said the step taken by the Turkish government came to control the performance of these channels, within the framework of the current trend to improve relations with Egypt, after it noticed that there was inappropriate political content that contravenes the media code of honour.

Muslim Brotherhood media options are becoming more limited, they probably head for the United States, Canada, or Britain, as some MB members mentioned during Media interview. Britain

“MB” threats from inside

The United Kingdom lately realized, the MB, Muslim Brotherhood threats from inside. Muslim Brotherhood is the main source of extremist ideology used by terrorist groups. Many of the top al-Qaeda leaders and some of the leaders of “IS” are former members of the Muslim Brotherhood. The history of Muslim Brotherhood is full of violence and terrorism, including political assassinations.

Lord "Marlesford" called on the government of Prime Minister "Boris Johnson" on 2nd-March, 2021, to disclose its plans to publish the report in full after the issuance of a summary in 2015 which did not include the most important conclusions. Britain

The member of the House of Lords added that , the “Case“ raised a question mark about the details provided on the Brotherhood’s threat to British national security. Lord "Marlesford" also urged the Johnson government to disclose its assessment to that’s threats, stressing that the results indicate the Muslim Brotherhood’s threat to British national security and interests. Lord Marlesford asked the government about the plans it had “to conduct another review of the Muslim Brotherhood”.

Here it is good to mention, the relations between former Labor leader Jimmy Corbyn and the “MB”, Brotherhood organization, it was one reasons behind some Corbyn troubles at that, when Corbyn had received praise from (Hamas, Islamic Resistance Movement and Hezbollah) as his "friends."

The Brotherhood could be described, as a deviant group that undermines coexistence within nations and stirs up sedition, violence and terrorism. The group pursues its partisan goals in an attempt to seize more power for itself, and does so under the cover of religion. It is clear, that the history of the “MB” is one of evil, strife, extremism and terrorism.

Britain reviewing the “MB”“presence”

British Prime Minister David Cameron asked in March 2014 his government to review the Muslim Brotherhood “presence”, activates, saying: “We want to challenge the extremist narrative that some Islamist organisations have put out,” the Prime Minister said, and "What I think is important about the Muslim Brotherhood is that we understand what this organisation is, what it stands for, what its beliefs are in terms of the path of extremism and violent extremism.” Britain

David Cameron said latter the UK will not ban the Muslim Brotherhood but that the group had a "highly ambiguous relationship with violent extremism" and was "deliberately opaque". It is seriously, that the UK needs to review Muslim Brotherhood presence.

It is much expected that the Muslim Brotherhood will leave Turkey, heading for Britain or other western countries, especially those members who have good financial capabilities.  Britain is still, the best MB destination, because: The Muslim Brotherhood has a history in Britain, and we can say that the organization in Britain has a well-established infrastructure politically, financially and administrative.

But the most important question is: Will the Brotherhood have media broadcasting similar to their one in Turkey? It is expected that the MB media's broadcasting in Britain will not be similar to their previous broadcasting in Turkey, because Britain is in a state of security alert, and has its fears of Islamist extremism, and it does not need new problems.

 So Britain can receive them, but there will be restraint on the Brotherhood’s media broadcasting, because the UK also does not want to escalate its differences with some countries in the Middle East region. Britain

By Jassim Mohamad - Bonn levant
