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Friday, 18 October 2024
  • The Rise of the Far Right Pushes the European Union to Review Its Policies Towards the Regime

  • The trend of some European countries towards normalizing relations with Syria reflects a radical shift in the EU's foreign policy, driven by increasing internal pressure to address the migration crisi
The Rise of the Far Right Pushes the European Union to Review Its Policies Towards the Regime
دول الاتحاد الأوروبي (شتر ستوك)

The corridors of the European Union are witnessing an intense debate about the possibility of normalizing relations with Syria, in a move primarily aimed at facilitating the deportation of Syrian migrants.

Italy is leading this trend, with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni declaring before the Italian Senate the need to "review the EU strategy on Syria" to create conditions for the return of refugees.

This move comes in the context of rising popularity of far-right anti-immigration parties in Europe, pushing mainstream leaders to take tougher stances on migration issues.

Other countries such as Austria and Hungary have joined this trend, while others like the Netherlands are reluctant to consider Syria a safe country for return.

Despite the diplomatic break since 2011 due to accusations against the Syrian regime of using chemical weapons and torture, some European countries believe it's time to reconsider this relationship.

In this regard, seven EU countries called in July for a review of the strategy towards Syria, aiming to improve the humanitarian situation and facilitate the return of migrants.

For its part, the regime of President Bashar al-Assad shows readiness for rapprochement, leading a promotional campaign to improve the country's image and encourage the return of refugees. However, the European position remains divided, with officials warning of the difficulty of achieving such a shift without clear guarantees.

Josep Borrell, the EU's foreign policy chief, indicates the Union's readiness to explore ways to support the Syrian people, while emphasizing knowledge and documentation of the Syrian regime's working methods.

The issue remains controversial, with some seeing the need to open channels of dialogue, while others warn against rushing into decisions that could affect the EU's credibility and values.
