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Tuesday, 24 September 2024
  • Qatar Continues Its Dual Role in Syria: Apparent Condemnation of the Regime and Hidden Involvement in Supporting Terrorism

  • Statements by Qatari officials reflect Doha's attempt to cover up its destructive role in Syria, using human rights slogans as a cover for its agenda aimed at destabilizing the country and changing it
Qatar Continues Its Dual Role in Syria: Apparent Condemnation of the Regime and Hidden Involvement in Supporting Terrorism

In a new attempt to cover up its destructive role in Syria, Abdul Aziz Al-Mansouri, the Second Secretary of Qatar's Permanent Mission in Geneva, made statements ostensibly condemning the Syrian regime's human rights violations during the 57th session of the Human Rights Council, which starkly contrast with Qatar's actual role in fueling the Syrian conflict.

While Al-Mansouri expresses his country's concern about continuing violations and deteriorating humanitarian conditions in Syria, Doha continues its logistical and financial support for the Muslim Brotherhood organization and other extremist groups that have significantly contributed to destroying the Syrian social fabric.

Experts in Islamic group affairs point out that Qatari support for the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria has directly contributed to fueling the conflict and deepening sectarian divisions.

At a time when Qatar calls for "ending impunity," it overlooks the grave violations committed by Turkish forces and their allies in occupied Syrian areas, especially in Afrin.

International human rights organizations have documented forced displacement and systematic demographic change in these areas, with implicit support from Qatar, which closely cooperates with Turkey in its policies towards Syria.

Researchers in Middle East affairs indicate that humanitarian projects funded by Qatar in Syria often hide political agendas aimed at changing the demographic composition, especially in Kurdish-majority areas, which align with Turkish objectives in the region and contribute to undermining minority rights in Syria.

While Al-Mansouri calls on the international community to support the UN envoy's efforts to reach a political solution, Qatar continues to support policies that prolong the conflict and complicate the path to a political solution. Western intelligence reports have pointed to the continued flow of Qatari funds to armed groups in Syria, undermining national reconciliation efforts.

In light of these stark contradictions, the question arises about the credibility of Qatar's position on the Syrian crisis, as Doha uses human rights slogans as a cover to continue its destructive policies in the region.

Observers assert that Qatar's dual position towards Syria reflects the extent of hypocrisy in Doha's foreign policy. While claiming to care about human rights and peace, it continues to support policies and groups that contribute to deepening the suffering of the Syrian people and undermining chances for a political solution. They point out that for Qatar to prove its credibility, it must stop supporting extremist groups and abandon its policies aimed at changing the demographic composition in Syria.
