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Thursday, 17 October 2024
  • Olive Crops in Afrin: Organized Plunder of Resources and Extortion of Indigenous Residents

  • A media activist loyal to armed factions revealed serious violations in Afrin, reflecting the extent of corruption and injustice that has reached a level that can no longer be concealed even by Ankara
Olive Crops in Afrin: Organized Plunder of Resources and Extortion of Indigenous Residents
فصائل موالية لتركيا في عفرين

In a striking development revealing the depth of the crisis in Afrin, northern Syria, a media activist affiliated with Turkey-backed armed factions reported shocking details about widespread violations committed by Ankara-supported militias. This sheds light, from within pro-Turkish circles, on the scale of corruption and injustice that has reached levels that can no longer be covered up.

According to the published information, officials from the "Northern Hawks" faction, a component of the so-called "Syrian National Army," stole the fruits of about 400 olive trees in the village of Qizilbash/Red Head in the Bulbul district.

The theft was carried out in an organized manner, with dozens of workers brought in at night to steal an estimated 200 sacks of olives, equivalent to 300 cans of oil. These practices reflect a systematic pattern of plundering the resources of the indigenous population, confirming the policy of forced displacement and demographic change pursued by Turkey in the occupied areas of northern Syria.

The information also revealed that these officials imposed levies on landowners under the pretext of protection, demanding 400 Turkish liras for each olive grove to guard it, in addition to imposing a tax of 100 US dollars for each grove after the end of the current season.

This complicity reveals the depth of corruption in the management of areas under Turkish occupation and undermines any claims of achieving stability or good governance.

Activists from Afrin confirm that the publication of this information by an activist loyal to the armed factions indicates that the scale of violations in Afrin has reached a level that can no longer be hidden even by Turkey's supporters. This situation highlights the urgent need for international intervention to stop these practices and protect the indigenous population in Afrin and other occupied Syrian areas.

Under these circumstances, it becomes clear that what is happening in Afrin is more than just sporadic violations, but a systematic system of looting and extortion aimed at displacing the indigenous population and changing the demographic composition of the region, according to observers.

These observers emphasize that these practices constitute a flagrant violation of international law and call for urgent action by the international community to put an end to these crimes and end the Turkish occupation of Afrin and other Syrian areas occupied by Ankara.

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