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Tuesday, 24 September 2024
  • New Security Theater: Iran Claims to Dismantle Alleged Israeli Spy Network

  • Iran's claims of dismantling an Israeli spy network reflect a recurring pattern of media disinformation, aimed at distracting from escalating internal crises and suppressing opposition under the guise
New Security Theater: Iran Claims to Dismantle Alleged Israeli Spy Network
الشرطة الإيرانية \ تعبيرية \ متداول

In a new security theater, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard claimed to have dismantled an alleged spy network comprising 12 individuals, claiming their connection to Israel, in six Iranian provinces. This claim, lacking any tangible evidence, was reported by the regime-aligned "Tasnim" agency, in a clear attempt to exaggerate the Revolutionary Guard's security "achievements."

The statement provided no details about the identities of the detainees, their nationalities, or the nature of the activities they allegedly planned, raising serious doubts about the veracity of these claims.

This announcement comes in the context of a recurring pattern of unsubstantiated Iranian claims, aimed at justifying internal repression campaigns and diverting attention from the country's worsening economic and social crises.

In a stark contradiction revealing the state of confusion within the regime's apparatus, a media figure close to the Revolutionary Guard reported claims of an assassination operation and document theft carried out by Israel inside Iran, only for Tasnim agency itself to quickly deny these claims. This discrepancy in statements highlights the extent of confusion in the Iranian security establishment and the lack of credibility in its narratives.

It's worth noting that the Iranian regime has consistently used a policy of intimidation through periodic announcements of arresting "spies" and executing them on fabricated charges, in an attempt to silence opposition voices and intimidate citizens. According to Amnesty International's 2023 report, Iran is one of the world's leading executioners, often using these sentences as a tool for political repression.

Analysts view these repeated claims of dismantling spy networks as reflecting the Iranian regime's failure to address the real problems facing the country, from worsening unemployment, high inflation, and currency collapse. Instead, the regime chooses to invent imaginary enemies to justify its repressive policies and divert people's attention from their legitimate demands for freedom and social justice.

In light of these practices, human rights activists call on the international community to take a firm stance against the Iranian regime's violations of its citizens' rights, and to press for independent investigations into espionage claims and unfair trials that often end in death sentences.
