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Monday, 30 September 2024
  • Leak Raises Fears of Sectarian Discrimination in Dealing with Iraqi Prisoners

  • The emergence of such statements highlights the need for radical reforms in the Iraqi judicial system to ensure fair trials and protect the rights of all detainees regardless of their affiliations
Leak Raises Fears of Sectarian Discrimination in Dealing with Iraqi Prisoners
الأمن العراقي/ وزارة الداخلية - فيسبوك

An old audio leak attributed to Shiite leader Muqtada al-Sadr and the head of the Popular Mobilization Forces, Faleh al-Fayyad, has sparked widespread controversy in Iraqi political and social circles. It included alarming talk about the fate of some Sunni detainees in Iraq.

In the circulating recording, two voices claimed to be those of Sadr and Fayyad are heard talking about Sunni detainees, where one of them says: "Some Sunni detainees, in our doctrine and law, deserve to be killed," a statement that sparked a wave of condemnation and concern among activists and observers.

Human rights activists pointed out the danger of such statements on social cohesion in Iraq, as it feeds sectarian divisions and undermines trust in state institutions, amid the need for an inclusive national discourse that respects the rights of all Iraqis regardless of their religious or ethnic affiliations.

The leak raised questions about the situation of detainees in Iraqi prisons and their detention conditions. Human rights activists are calling for the formation of an independent committee to review detainees' files and ensure they receive fair trials. Pending official responses from Sadr and Fayyad's offices regarding the authenticity of the leak, the Iraqi street remains in a state of anticipation, awaiting clarifications.

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