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Saturday, 27 July 2024
Algeria will start producing Russia’s Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine in September
A paramedic holds a pack of used and unused vials of Russia's Sputnik V coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccine at a private hospital. (Reuters)

Algeria will start producing Russia’s Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine in September in partnership with Moscow, and part of the production will be intended for African countries, the pharmaceutical industry minister said on Wednesday.

The North African country, which already has received 50,000 doses of Sputnik V, said in February it was in talks with Russia to produce the vaccine.

“We must meet the vaccine challenge. We will be ready to produce an Algerian vaccine in September,” Lotfi Benbahmed, the minister, said on state radio.

The vaccine will be produced in partnership with state pharmaceutical products firm Saidal in the eastern city of Constantine, Benbahmed said. Saidal will get help from a “leading Indian laboratory specialized in the manufacture of vaccines”, Benbahmed added, without naming the laboratory.

“Three committees are working on the transfer of the technology provided by the Russian side,” Benbahmed said. “Algeria will have its share and responsibility in the vaccination of the African populations.”

source: Reuters

Image source: Reuters
